Monday, March 21, 2005


I've spent the better part of a week reflecting on my life as I've known it the last year. And like anyone would, I'm left wondering if I always paid attention to the areas in my life that needed it most, or was I too consumed by what "felt" right to realize what "is" right. In the last week I have been shown more love then anyone person deserves. I have also been given the trust of those who I have always thought trusted me the parents.
I have been put to the test, questioned and condemned, and still I find myself standing. I was asked to prove myself to my parents and the world and all I have to say far, so good. I have made mistakes in the past and there are those who would like to hold that over me as reason to condemn me now, but I am a different person from who I was a year ago and the mistakes made then do not resemble the situation at hand.
I have many questions, as I'm sure others out there do...all I know is that I live one day at a time. I still look to improve daily. I still love those who have hurt me, it's not in me to hate anyone. I don't mind proving myself to anyone...I'm doing a great job of it so far :) and I'm not going to let the anger and vindictive nature of others drag me down.
I owe so much to those who have stood by me, believed in me, and shown me love....Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I love you more then words can discribe.


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