Wednesday, January 19, 2005

One of those days...

It's 1:39 am....And I'm not sleeping. I'm not even close to sleeping. My mind, like the turning of a wheel, reeling with thoughts of "what if's". The voice of self doubt is awake and calling my name gleefully pointing out all of my down falls and each of my failures. You know the voice...
"You're alone".... "Nobody loves you"..... "You'll never make it"... "You're too fat", "You're too ugly"... "Your not smart enough"... "You haven't worked hard enough"... "You'll never get over IT"...

*I'm not alone.....I worship a Living God, I am NEVER alone!
*HIS love for me is greater then Anything this world has to offer!
*I live daily knowing that my path leads to the gates of Heaven, and I WILL make it there, everywhere else pales in comparison to the Kingdom of my God!
*I am beautifully and wonderfully made!
*I'll always work harder, there's always room for improvement and I'm okay with that!
*The Love and Mercy of Christ is great and at times beyond comprehension. Through Him I find my self forgiven....If HE can get over IT, I know I can!

The voice of doubt is now silent, feeling the feeling of self-forgiveness warming the coldest corners of my being....Take that.


Blogger Aaron S. Marshall said...

Totally digging your content and your layout you have are really getting the hang of this... Keep thinking outside the Box!

January 21, 2005 at 8:00 AM  

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