Thursday, November 04, 2004

Shadow of Me

I pray. Breathing unconsciously, I pray. Alone in my room, I got down on my knees and had one of those heartfelt, tearful, tired when you get done prayers. I needed it. I lay ALL things down before my God. I stood up afterward and gazed at a picture of myself, taken only a year ago. I realized at that moment that by the Grace of God I was different then That girl. I was learning, growing more everyday striving to seek God's will for my life instead of seeking my own. I was not tied to an unhappy relationship built on dependency and selfishness. I now seek a new relationship, one with my Christ and Savior. I hope to next year look at a picture of myself today and see a mere shadow of what I have become. I hope to look at that picture and say today I am better then who I was yesterday and tomorrow I'll be better still, and it's all due to the glorious Grace of God.

Go To HIM.


Blogger Aaron S. Marshall said...

Your words are spirit filled. They sing songs to me. Thank You Amber.

November 8, 2004 at 9:38 AM  

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