Friday, October 15, 2004

To My Syringe....

It gets easier every moment, every second that I pretend you don't exsist.
Everytime the phone rings and it's not you on the other line, or someone knocks on the door and it's not your figure shadowing my walkway it gets easier to believe you'll never shadow my walkway again.
With each heart beat I learn to complete myself in your absence.
Everytime I sleep a little longer than necessary or talk to someone I don't know, my memories of you become more like an unrealistic aspiration.
I'm growing into myself, becomming more self-sufficiant. I'm learning to complete my life, without you.
I've developed new hope for my future with the added adventure of not knowing who I'll share it with. I awake each morning knowing, I'm going to be okay. My life Will go on without you.


Blogger Aaron S. Marshall said...

Beautiful. Impressive attitude of counting all moments as victory.

What is IN the syringe that you used to keep going back for?

October 15, 2004 at 1:58 PM  
Blogger Amber said...

That sweet, sweet false sence of security....ahhhhhhhh. Thank God for Grace.

October 16, 2004 at 1:47 PM  

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